Frequently Asked Questions

How can I become a member of the ESF?

The first condition to become a member of the ESF is to be a recognised national surfing association, accepted as such by the Executive Committee of the ESF. An application should be sent to the ESF with a copy of its charter or constitution and proof that the applicant organisation has been recognised by their governement as the national governing body for the sport of surf riding in that country. Please consult the MEMBERSHIP section of our memorandum: download.

How do I qualify for a national team?

A competitor may only represent a country if he/she holds a passport or national identification card issued by the national government of that country. A national identification card must clearly show nationality or citizenship of the country. A competitor who is a national of more than one country at the same time may represent any of them, as he/she may elect. More on this in our rule book (pag 29/30): download.

Then of course there is the matter of being selected for the national team. This naturally depends on several factors, "merit" ranked surely as the outstanding one. Please make yourself noted to the national governing body for surf in your country. Consult our members page for contact information.

How do I become a surfing judge?

To set yourself on the path to become an international surfing judge you normally start at the local level. Join your local surf club and with the help of established names in your club start judging local surf contests. The next step is to consult the national governing body for surfing in your country and attend a judging course to be ranked and registered as a national judge. Consult our members page for contact information. With time and dedication we hope you can make it to our European Championship events!

What are the requirements to hold an ESF event?

Applications to host a European Championship should be submitted in writing to the Secretary General of the ESF in time to be presented at the AGM of the ESF and at least 3 years before the proposed championships take place.
2 years prior to the event, the ESF AGM will review the applications and award the Championships to whichever country it so wishes.
1 year prior to the event, the host nation must make a presentation the ESF Executive showing how their preparations for the event are progressing. They must give details of the contest locations, infrastructure, food and accommodation etc.
If the ESF is not satisfied that sufficient progress has been made or that there are good reasons to suppose that the organisers will not be able to fulfil their original promises, then the ESF Executive may award the event to another country if another country is able and willing to host the event.

Can I sponsor an event?

We absolutely welcome sponsorships to our events. We must of course make sure the product and/or brand does not conflict with any sponsors already on board with the event. Also the product and/or brand must not jeopardize in any way the good name and standing of the ESF. Please submit a query through our online form (click here) and we will get back too you as soon as possible.

Can I advertise on your website?

Currently we do not yet have a defined model for online advertising at eurosurfing.org but in the future we will be opening up this possbility and welcome any application already submitted. We must of course make sure the product and/or brand does not jeopardize in any way the good name and standing of the ESF. Please submit a query through our online form (click here) and we will get back too you as soon as possible.


16 Beacon Estate
Sancreed, Penzance
Cornwall, TR20 8QR
United Kingdom

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